Alexandria 9th May 1825.
Col Stephen F. Austin
my dear sir I shall be out with young Mr. Groce when he
returns the latter part of this month in order to locate the land granted
to Sexton and Morgan, erect some buildings, and make preparations
to remove my family the ensuing fall or winter.
I shall come prepared to pay for the other Leage, and should be
glad to secure 2 or 3 three more Leagues for my friends whom I
expect on from the north. Mr. Thomas Hooper accompanies me, who
will be ready to fulfill the engagements Mr. Morgan made with
you concerning the J league on the Brasos—I am informed you
intend visiting the interior this summer. I expect to arrive before
your departure; if I should not, I hope you will have the business in
such a train that my land can be surveyed and titles made out so that
I can go on to build for the solo purpose of my journey this summer
is to make preperations to remove my family in the winter
Mr. James Brown accompanies me likewise, and it is of importance
for us all to see you before your departure. I hope you will delay a
few days on our account should any accident retard or journey.
Sam Sexton