Sir by this safe oppertunity I must trouble you with another
letter as I have wrote to you so often respecting my Land, and other
things: I requested you in several of my letters to you to write me
a few lines respecting my Land, if you received my Last letter which
I think was dated sometime in April I expressed greate uneasiness
about my Land from a letter I had just received from Mr. Lynch
stating that you had givin away my Labbour,—and he gave me no
positive answer respecting by League which I could not conceive
how that could be the Case as you entered my Labbour in July last
in my name and told me it should be secure to me and named in the
same title with my League—and I had all ways undeistood by Mr
Lynch that my title was safe in the office I have received a letter
since from mr, Lynch by the hand of Mr. Aulsbury that gave me
more satisfaction respecting it he informed me that my League was
safe and a first rate one by your own information and my Labbour
had been taken through mistake, which Can be All rectifyed when
I come on which will be amediately, Mr, Aulsbuy and his familey
and myself and my familey are all Comeing In Companey we will
start in afew days
I kneede not write aney thing of the knews of this Country as Mr,
Cable will hand you this letter himself directly from this place: You
Can ask him what difficulties I have in Countered and what Losses
1 have sustained in trying to git to my Land in that Country which
I hope to afect in next month without some unavoidable accident—I
have wrote repetedly to my sons to make aney nessary improvements
on my Land that you would direct; if you should go on to the in-
terier before I arrive you will please to give my deede to James Lynch
for me. do all you Can for me and you will be amply rewarded by
your friend