Asa Mitchell to Stephen F. Austin, 06-18-1826

Summary: Commerce. Manufacture of salt.

Mouth of Brassos 18th June 1826

Dear sir—

As this leaves me so may it find you enjoying the blessing of good health—I have been much disappointed in my expectations at New Orleans in consequence of Jesse Thompson not meeting me there agreeable to contract I advanced him money to pay for his lands before he left this and he was to let me have the cash in Orleans with which I calculated to buy a set of salt kettles—the vessel also being in debt more than I expected it was seized and sold and I was not able to releave it but waited from day to day for Thompson to come on and let me have money but to my great mortification he never arive[d] an old acquaintance of mine bought the sloop and let us have it to get home

Asa Mitchell

NB I have bought a good supply of sugar coffee and other articles in the provision line to acomodate those who would wish to visit the sea shore

[Addressed:] Col. Stephen. F. Austin San Philipe. De. Austin Texas