William Laughlin to Stephen F. Austin, 07-15-1826

Summary: Judicial procedure. Resistance to an officer.

District Of San jacinto

July the 15th 1826

Department of Texas

Austins Colony

To the Honble Stephen F. Austin Judge of the Supreme Court of the Colony aforesaid the petition of William Laughlin respectfully represents that he your petitioner received an attachmen[t| from your Honor dated May the 23d 1826 in favour of John D. Taylor against John Kenny which your petitioner levyed in parte on the 31st of May on Divers property of said Kenny (viz) Two Cows and two yearlings and one Calf and sundry other property (viz) a number of Books and one Gold watch etc. all by the direction of said Taylor—your petitioner having received your late instructions of the 12 of July took said Kennys Bond and Security for his appearance before the Alcalde at his return to his District and your petitioner went to the House of said Taylor and he uterly refused to give them up declaring at the same time that they were in his possession and he would keep them till the suit was decided And after some dissagreeable conversation the Said Taylor went into his House and came out with a loaded musket in his hand and ordered the said Kenny off his premises with many threats and swore at the same time that he would give the first man the contents of his musket that would attempt to enter his cowpen to turn out said Kennys Calvs therefore your petitioner was prevented from discharging the dutys of his office according to your order. Your petitioner prays that your Honor will assist him in inforcing the laws and your petitioner as in Duty Bound will ever pray

Wm Laughlin

Const [able]