Department of Texas
Austins Colony
This day personally appeared before me Stephen F. Austin Judge
in and for the Colony aforesaid John Foster who being duly sworn
deposeth and saieth that some time during the last fall when in this
Country his son Isaac Foster at Mr. Iron's place handed him a piece
of money as a Gold piece from Mr. William Cooper with a request
from said Cooper that deponent would with it and other money
handed at the same time purchase for him the said Cooper a steel mill
in New Orleans, The said piece of money proved to be a Counter-
feit and this deponent deposes is the same identical piece now
presented and as aforementioned was handed to him by his son Isaac
Sn Felipe de Austin 18 July 1826
(Signed) John Foster [Rubric]
Subscribed and sworn to before me
S. F. Austin Judge [Rubric]