James Kerr to Stephen F. Austin, 08-08-1826

Summary: Friction with Martin De Leon.

Delion's Guadaloupe River 8th August 1826

Dear Col°-

I have just arrive[d] here on the way to San Antonio, and hope to see your Bro. there. I came by the mouth of the La vacca, where I saw Col°- Dewitt, and a number of people, say 40. men, women, and children—all in good health. They wish to get up the river to the red Bluffs.

It can be satisfactorily proven that Delion or his sons, broke up and tore to pieces the little vessel of Dickerson that was Left in the Grssite [Garcitas] Creek last summer and has removed part of the planks to this place and had it stacked up. The ballance of the planks are thrown on the bank of the Creek, to season as is supposed by the citizens here.

I am not very well—have some fever and head Ache—I hope you have before this recovered your health, and able to attend to business.

I shall make all possible haste in my power, but the hotness of the weather; a poor horse, and bad health makes it quite uncertain when I shall be at San Felipe

James Kerr