J. E. B. Austin to Stephen F. Austin, 09-03-1826
Summary: Bastrop. Slavery.
Dr Brother
I have this moment received your letter= I am fully convinced
and always have been of the necessity and importance of the Barons
Speedy return to the Colony—I know his long absence has caused
you much uneasiness of mind—But I am sorry you think that your
anxiety, is a subject of "mirth and " Ridicule " for me I can assure
you it is not, nor ever has been— my object when I have seen you
in such low spirits has only been to divert your attention to
something else and prevent your absolutely dying with melancholy
I have concluded to go to Saltillo first as I have to go by
Monterrey to go to San Carlos—owing to the drought—the lower Route—
If there is any possible way of getting the Baron off I will do so
and bring him on immediately I saw a gentleman (Yturri) direct
from Saltillo he says the Baron is Extremely anxious to return—
but thinks he cannot untill
Try and Keep the Slave holders from going until they hear the
result of the Slave question-— Tell them they are safe yet—and
there is but little doubt but part of the laws will be favourable—that
is—what—relates to the Slaves already in the Country— The
Ayuntam of this place have made as Warm a Representation in
favor of it as you have— Your Representation is thought well
of—the attempt to comitt such an outrage on the rights of the
Settlers—-(they say) perfectly justifies you in expressing your feelings
in the strongest terms—they have done the same— You will receive
a Copy of the Represenon—they have made this mail— The Cabildo
are quite Sanguine of obtaining a favorable slave law— I had a
relapse a few days ago—and am so weak can hardly write— I shall
start however
Respects to Williams—sorry to hear he has been in such low health—would write him but have no—time— Remr me to Mrs Picket and Elisa
You may direct your next letter to Saltillo—
P. S—Martin de Leon has just arrived I do not know the object of his Visit—
P. S. Do not forget the Turpentine and the Gin—
I shall see D.n Victor and you can write me in Saltillo if you could make any arrangement to buy—the mill—for any thing but Cash I could get the money in Saltillo or a draft on this place—