John Austin to Stephen F. Austin, 09-13-1826

Summary: Asking for ginning supplies and other supplies.

Septr 13th 1826


I send Keller to get some hair for the brush of the Gin, horse hair from the tail is best if Antonio is in town expect it can be got from him about 5 lb will do—I expect to have the Gin ready in the course of 4 weeks I have got Mr. Battle to assist Ramey, I have been obliged to hire McCoy for 1 month at 30$ cash it was a case of necessity without the money I could not get him, I am obliged to call on you for that amount and 22$ which I borrowed from Keller for provisions and whisky at the Raising of the Gin House Your Brother made an arrangement with J. H. Moore for 2 Beefs at Henry Jone's they cannot be drove from his cattle it is impossible to get them, Col. Pettus has 2 Beefs with our Cattle I wish you would make an arrangement to get them and let me know by the return of Keller—Your Brother told me that he had sent by Richardson for Bale Rope and Bagin I am told that he has not brought it—that article will be an object of good profit as well as accomodation if you could send to N. Orleans and have it brought by the first opportunity have you any thing brought by Richardson that you wish me to Look after If you have sugar and Coffee I should like to get some as nothing less than cash will get it here at 37 1/2 c for coffee and 18 3/4 for sugar When do you expect your Brother home—I am your humble Servt.

John Austin.

P. S. If you have not filled up the deed of the Bernard League in my name I wish if you have an opportunity of letting some other person have it you would do so, it is not a valuable tract, you mentioned that the Fort tract was vacant I should be pleased with that or any other that may be vacant the Bernard tract does not answer the description given of it by considerable it is improved

J. A.

The hire of McCoy___$30.00

Borrowed from Keller for ----------2

1 Bbl. Pork----------------13$

4 Galls Whiskey------------6-

1 Keg Sdr-------------------2-

1 Barrel--------------------1




[Addressed:] Col. Stephen F. Austin San Felipe de A pr. Keller

Your Brother borrowed some time since 5$ from Keller which he is in want of if convenient with you.

J. A.