Natchitoches Sept 15th 1826
I Accidentally met a Man who says he lives in your Neighbourhood
who will bring you a few papers such as in a hurry I can Scramble
together. I have been confined by Sickness some Months during
which I have had no opportunity of writing or knowing of any
conveyance to you—I understand some arrangements are taking place
for an exchange of Mails between Mexico and the United States—
Since the rising of Congress the public papers are less interesting,
they are all filled with the 4th of July Proceedings and on the subject
of the Remarkable Coincident in the almost simultaneous death of
the ex President Adams and Jefferson on that day.—Our country
from Sabine to St. Croix seem engaged in devising and executing
Internal improvements The canal cross the Base of Cape Florida
will be important; Indeed all of them the ohio canal, with one End
near the City of Cincinati the other Cleveland on Lake Eri, the
Chesepeak and Deleware Canal, the Cape Cod Canal, one from
Michigan to Islenois, and an hundred others; going on and talked about as
well as the great Panama Canal, a Number of Bailed way Roads and
Turn Pikes are going on; the great Road from Washington to New
Orleans will soon commence. Our Manufactures seem to keep pace
with other improvements. A Steam Boat Navigation will Certainly
be extended up Red River (perhaps) to New Mexico. In Our Parish
without seeming to be sickly there has been a Number of deaths
Those you know are Doctor Levis and Luke S. Hazelton. and Sam1
Keiser At Alexandria John Carson. New Orleans by the last
accounts is uncommonly healthy. Genl Hampton is dead no
conspicuous Character in the City, the yellow fever rages at Mobile. From
Europe the Riots in England and Scotland amongst the weavers.
factions in Spain opposed to the Kings party—France quiet and
improving in Manufactures etc. The Govt of Russia not well settled.
Turkey has been obliged to give up to that Power Walatia and
Maldavia, (Antient Massadonia)—The Greeks have suffered, but are
not giving up the ship. Private Opinion in all the countries of
Europe is warm towards them. Turkey is crippled by the War and
never can conquer them. Our Gov. is placing above us On the Waters
of Red River and Arkansa more than fifty thousand Indians of
different and discordant Tribes I do not like the Policy, not for the
reason only, that it will hasten their extinction. The Caddos and
Quapas, are going to settle above you On the same River.—They
will be peacable, but unprofitable Neighbours.-—
Judge Johnston and family live at Washington, they were in New
York a Month ago. Our Members of Congress are all Reelected
from this State.
Please to Present my compliments to your brother to Capt. Clark
and any Other friend or acquantance.
John Sibley
Hon. Judge Austin