John McNeel to Stephen F. Austin, 10-09-1826

Summary: Delay in payment of dues.

Dear Sir Oct 9th 1826

I recd your favor by Mr. Millican in due time and feel sensible of the necessity of paying you the balance which is due you for Our lands. But at the same time have to say to you, that I regret exceedingly that money is not at my command at this moment as it has taken whole of my last year's Crop to procure the articles indispensibly necessary in making my establishment here, procuring provisions etc. I have money Owing me to a considerable amount which I hope to be able to collect shortly, Or I have property which shall be at your service if it will answer you any valuable purpose. I was in hopes you would have visited me when you were in the lower settlement last, but was disappointed, please to write me, and give me any news you may have to Communicate I am informed there are many reports in circulation with regard to what are to be the future prospects of Our Country, But having been sick for nearly three months and seeing no person here, I feel Considerable solicitude On the subject, There is nothing in this quarter, either new or interesting—

Should you be down in this quarter please call and see me if it may be convenient.

John McNeel [Rubric]

[Addressed:] Col. Stephen F. Austin San Felipe de Austin Texas