In consequence of your polite offers of assisting Mr. Stephen
Curcier, in recovering his property stolen by the Indians on the 18th
of August; being informed by a Spaniard mail carrier, that four
oxen were now in the possession of an individual of your colony;
as agent in this place of said Stephen Curcier I take the liberty
of availing myself of your kind disposition, and accordingly au-
thorise you to take possession of said oxen, sell them if fifty Dollars
pr pair can be obtained and remit me the proceeds by some safe
opportunity, or if sale can not be effected, to confide them to some
of the gentlemen who as I understand are disposing themselves to
drive some cattle to this place, binding myself to reinburse & pay
them whatever may have been the cost of keeping etc—there, and
any reasonable charges, according to your contract with said
gentlemen, for delivering them at this place
Cheerfully offering you a reciprocity of services I have the honour
of remaining your obt servant