Stephen F. Austin to Jose Antonio Navarro, 02-27-1827

Summary: Buying certain merchandise for Navarro.

San Felipe de Austin 27 of Feby 1827

Sr. Jose Antonio Navarro

Exteemed Friend:—

I received of Corporal Sosa the One hundred and thirty dollars that you sent to me and the letter with a note to buy for you tres arrobas [75 lbs] of coffee and powder.

According to what you write I ordered coffee from Orleans in conformity with the note you sent to me, and I am expecting the return of the Schooner every day, it should have arrived before this, and it is probable it will be here soon. With this intelligence I have bought the three arrobas of Coffee which I send by Corporal Sosa the price was 30 cents per pound which makes $22.50 for the 75 lbs. It was not possible to secure it for less and I have taken all there is for sale here.

The rest of the money that I have 97 Dollars and 50 cents I have kept in order to pay for the merchandise from Orleans and I will pay what is lacking or short. I shall advise you as soon as I receive notice of the arrival of the freight.

I have advised Mr. Jones that you would not admit the contract for the corn, I think he will take 20 reales per fanega [3 bushels.]

If a good assortment of clothing arrives I shall advise you and you can command me frankly and with liberty as a sincere friend in anything that is of use, and I shall at all times take great pleasure in executing your orders, if you stand on ceremony I shall be very sorry.

At present there is absolutely no merchandise for sale here but we are expecting some in a few days.

Your friend Stephen F. Austin.