Thomas Corwin to Ira Lewis, 04-07-1827

Summary: Collection of debt.

Lebanon 7th Ap1 1827.

Dear Sir,

I have been employed by the Administrators of Tobias ... to collect the debts of that estate, amongst others I find a due bill against you for $150— with about 4 years interest due thereon. My clients have requested that I should forward the note to some person in your neighborhood, but as I knew yourself and no one else in that quarter, I thought due to old acquaintance to let you know the claim was in my hands. If you will forward a draft to me or any person in . . . [illegible] with a request to some friend there to receive the note and pay the amot I will deliver the note to such person [upon re]ceiving the money — The Admrs [want] to settle soon and th[is is] the only claim not in suit — please to favor me with a reply by return of mail — How stands matters in your country in a professional way — Do you make fortunes at pleasure or are you languishing as we are here in the debts of humility Are you really all Jacksonians or not let me hear from you in regard to these matters.

Thos. Corwin

Ira Lewis Esq Natches Mississippi

[Addressed:] Ira Lewis Esq Attorney at law Natchez Missisippi.