My long Cilence I am afraid will lead you to Congecture that I
am numbered amongest the Dead I am still alive but has suferd
agreat Deal of sickness from the fitages I have underwent
acornpained with a great Deal of Disapointmints I recd your letter
which aforded me agreat Deal of Satisfaction to find that it was
your opinion that slavery would bee alowed and I amatently
[immediately] prepered to move and was on the eave of it when by
my exarsion to gett readey I was relapsed and if it was not for
the best of Care and medical skill I was gone to the world of spirits
it was long ere I was so recovered as to bee able to proceed when a
unspected event tooke place in the Death of Merritt my son inlaw
as hee had given him self up to Drinke some time before which
Carried him of and has left his estate much involved and am afraied
will souse (?) mee out of two thousand Dollars which I have
Judgement for and will be obliged to wait till Court which will take
place in October for when hee found his Disolution aproaching hee
not onley sined over all hee was possesed of but also give his broather
of orlains a note for four thousand Dollars so as to Cover his
property and keep me out of my lawfull right and Hide & Merritt of
Orlains is since broke and how it will bee Desided I am at a loss
to tell to Court as boath Judgements was obtained in one Day but
mine was first but at that time I shall move the principal part of
my property at all events and shall proceed as fast as possible Mrs
Biggam I am afraid Avill not acompaney mee as shee Constantley
hear such unpleasant teal of the Countrey and people and Indians
I have given you the out lines of what I have sufered and the
impediments that has laid in my way after visiting the Countrey so
often and spending so much money in so Doing and being of such
use to the inhabitants as all I ever tooke there is there still my
reasons for menshing this is that I was informed but I shall never
Creditt unless from your own mouth that if I was not on the brasses
by September that you would give my land to a nother I have
stated my reasons which I can prove to bee true my broather
acompiney mee out and although I was not there I have been
working or having it Don as I have gott three Hundred pair of the
best broagans shoes you ever saw which I intend to Carrey out when
I move and if it bee your Desire will to take away my land after all
I have Don and sufered for the Countrey I shall bow Down with
reference and shall place it among one of my visitucles of [fate?] but
untill that happens I shall ever name you among my warmest friends
and well wishers and the a[n]corage I shall Cast my last hope
on I have Directed this to you on the brasses under Cover to the
poast master aftere the post paid of Nackendosh with a request to
forward it as son as posible I Can ad no more ti[ll] I see you and
under those Considerations I shall subscribe My self your friend
& H St