Col. Stephen F. Austin in a/c with John Cumings Dr.
Jany 13th To 7 1/2 bushels corn at 8/ pr Bushel__________________$ 7. 50
280 feet plank delivered unto Westall at 5C pr Hhd____________14.00
Feby 15 Cash $5.00 ditto pr order Richd and Dan $9______14.00
2 lb Tobacco a 50c______________________________1
July 5 1 Bushel Meal delivered to Brown Austin _______1.25
Augt. 25 2 Bushels Meal delid to Mrs. Pickett a 1.25_________ 1.25
Octr 5 1 do delivered to Mrs. Picket______________________ 1.25
" " 1 ditto pr Self_________________________________ 1.25
1260 feet Scantling at 4 d________________________50.40
1826 Contra Cr Deer. 1st. By 22 1/2 Bushels of Corn borrowed