William Pettis to Horatio Chriesman, 10-19-1827

Summary: Concerning surveys.

San Felipe de Austin 19th of Oct 1827

Dear Sir owing to my Disappoint in some buisiness of importance that I did not fore see at the time I promised It is impossible for me to Come Down at this time but have sent you as correct a statement as I can of the buisiness between myself and the Ladies which I wish you to explain to them and also Leave the accounts with them if they are not right I will alwas rectify them I am truly sorry to put you and them to so much trouble but I am always ready to serve a friend and take many Liberty to use them you. will see by the papers they have how the Land shall be Laid off but for fear they shall not be explicit enough I will here make a statement to you their Land is to be Laid off in the timber except the Prairie is good and Little nukes [nooks?] are not to be stood on on either side the pararie is not to be calculated where it is of now value I will Leave this to your judgement as respects that I do not wish to be particular with women and if they say my account is a fiew Dollars out of the way I will make it right at any time to their satisfaction you will pleas call and survey the Land at any rates Daniel shipman and brother will assist you or he will pay any one who will assist if he is out, of the way I will to their satisfaction, you will see that Mrs Kirkingdol is to begin on the Lower Line of the League I wish you to run up the league far enough to make the Line a strait one so that they shall corner together on the line next to the river with these Directions I will Leave you to do what you think right when you Look at the ritings they hold the Ladys will assist in any way that may be in their Power say to them so soon as Samuel Williams or Colo Austin comes Home they may get thir titles when ever they send for them I will be down in that quarter in a fiew Days and call and see them your attention to these fiew Lines will verry much oblige your old friend & well wisher consider me at all expence I am yours with every sentiment of respect—

Wm Pettus

N". B you will see by the Acts that Mrs. Kirkingdol are to have 248 Acres & Mrs. Shiggins 521 the hole Amount 769.

W. P.

[Addressed:] Capt Horatio Crisman & Mr Alcorn