Green DeWitt to Ramon Musquiz, 05-08-1829

Summary: Report of plans for an Indian invasion.

[From Bexar Archives]

Dear Sir, On last evening a man by the name of Jesa McCoy who is a resident of this colony who has been with the Comanches for several weeks passed arrived here, and gave me the following information. He says that a few days ago, the principal chief of the Tawaccanes, and the principal chief of the Wacoes, called upon the head Chief of the Comanches and solicited him to join them the Wacoes and Tawaccanes in a general war against the Mexican and American settlements—Saying at the same time that the Mexicans had taken from them a Caveard and the Americans had killed some of there men, and therefore they had declared war against both; He further states that the Comanches intirely refused to Join in the warfare; saying that they were now at a perfect peace with the people of this country and wished to remain so—.

I beleave my informant to be a man of truth and that what he has stated may be relied upon.

God and Liberty Gonzales 8th May 1829

Green DeWitt [Rubric]

His Excellency Ramon Muzquiz Chief of the Department of Texas