Nacogdochs. Novr 24 de 1829
S. F. Austin Esqr
Dear Sir I receivd yours of the 17th Instant and am very
thankful to you for the troble you have taken in the complyence of
my request, it has aforded Great Satisfaction to our friends, and
I am confident that the corse indicated will unanimosley be adopted
to a man; you wish to Know what the Ayuntamto. of this place
will do it is hard telling so farr they have agreed to cooparate with
My vews on that subject, but there [is] no Knowing what turn they
may take they are a Boddy without souls and subjects easy worked
on by intrigue the Militery comte,. of this place has a considerable
influence over them and is much of a scoundrel, I have this day
been credibly informd that he has long since conceivd the Plan
of efecting a revolution amonst the Slaves against their Masters
he has even told me previos to this that he was astonished it did
nott take place, but Little did I suspect him Capable of inducing
them What are we to do with such a rascal, I hope el Sor. Padilla
will soon be on and put things to wright
John Durst [Rubric]