H H League to Stephen F Austin, 01-02-1830
Summary: Informing Austin that Nestor Clay is insubordinate and declares that he will not obey the tax law.
Col. Stephen F. Austin—
Dear Sir but a short time since Mr Nester Clay came to this
place. I accidentally fell in his company, and he told me he had
been wishing to speak to me on the subject of the Tax law and
proceeded to make many violent remarks amongst which was the
following: I will never pay one cent of the taxes while I am able
to raise arms against it the best men in the country will oppose
it with force and arms. You would be astonished to know who they
are. You had better pay it yourself if it costs all you are worth,
than to attempt collecting the Taxes, by God we will have a Boston
Tea Scrap of it, we will come armed and show you whether you
will collect it. I know my neighbors will join me, and if you
report us in a state of rebellion, we will take no other notice of you
than to Tar and feather you, and many other remarks of a similar
kind. Mr. T. M. Duke and H. Cheves was present and paid
attention to the conversation, he is the sort of charactors that has always
kept this community in an uproar, and has always broke down order
and established confusion it is my duty as an officer of this municipality to inform you of all such outrage, for now is the time to put
a check to Such Charactors, this is therefore to inform your self
First Regedor of the municipality of Austin.