Joseph D Grafton to Stephen F Austin, 05-05-1830
Summary: Inquiring conditions of settlement in Texas.
St. Genevieve, Mri,
Dr Sir,
At the request of my wife (late Mrs. Henry Elliott) I take the liberty of addressing you.—
As the bearer leaves this in a few minutes, I have only time to ask a few questions, and will be thankful for your reply at an early day.—
1. My family consists of myself, wife and 7 children, four of whom are of the late Henry Elliott.— What encouragement for such a family to join your settlement?
2. What encouragement for persons half way professional, I
being successor to the late Thos. Oliver, as Clerk of the Courts,
here ?—
3. Is it necessary, in your Colony, to profess the Catholic faith ?
4. My wife requests me to ask whether you would make to Henry
Elliotts' only son (Charles) any donation of lands, on account of
H. Elliott's trip to Texas in
5. Whether a business man, but without much capital, could probably acquire a good living in connexion with Capt. Henry Austins Steam boat line ?
As business in the Courts is getting very small in this County, I have an idea of removing to some other place, but with so large a family, I would not like to do it without a reasonable certainty of belter things elsewhere.—your early reply will greatly oblige me.-— Mrs. Grafton unites with me in the expression of sentiments of true respect.—
Jos. D. Grafton [Rubric]
[Addressed:] Stephen F Austin Esq. San Fellipe De Austin Texas Mr. Beard