Stephen F Austin to Secretary of Relations, 07-13-1830
Summary: Colonists of Texas are loyal to Mexico. Excited by alarming rumors, but are now quieted, "Poinsett has no adherents here."
San Felipe de Austin,
Dear Sir:
I have learned from the public prints that various rumors have upset public opinion concerning the colonies of Texas; rumors without the least foundation in fact, although not without a specious basis. Much injustice may sometimes proceed from a mistaken opinion concerning an individual or a community, and I believe it is the duty of every man to contribute in so far as he is able to the correction of errors. In this opinion, and in obedience to the truth, I have believed it to be my duty to explain to you (what I have constantly manifested to the authorities of the state) that there has never been the least disturbance of good order in this colony, and that the inhabitants have always been obedient to the authorities.
The idea that the colonists of Texas wish to separate from Mexico
is entirely mistaken; there is not, and never has been, such an idea
in the sensible part of the colonists, because it is very evident that
it is not to the interest of Texas to be separated from Mexico, even
if such a thing were possible. These colonists. Dear Sir, are not
discontented nor dissatisfied; nor have they shown [any] discontent
until after the circulation here of a thousand alarming rumors con-
I for my part declare to you that I have had no other rule but that
of fidelity and gratitude to Mexico: I have passed nine years in the
most trying labors in the effort to reclaim this country from the
wilderness; I have fulfilled my duty to the extent of my ability; I
have worked in good faith; and I can refer with confidence to all the
authorities of Texas and of the state to prove my conduct from the
time I first entered this wilderness in
I can do no less than feel much interest in the fate of the colonists
of Texas. I was the cause of the emigration of most of them and
we have borne years of labor together. I could do no less than feel
much interest in the advancement and prosperity of Texas, because
it has been the object of my efforts and the sole aim of my ambition
to contribute to the redemption of this country from the unpopulated
condition in which I found it in
With great cost and labor I have made a map of all Texas, which
I sent to the Political Chief in
I have entire confidence in the justice and in the talent of the
present administration; I consider it the Savior of Mexico from anarchy,
and can assure your Excellency that the hope of seeing this country
happy, after the convulsions of the last two years had almost
suffocated it is again revived among these colonists. We have confidence
in our old Commandant General, our present Vice President, and in
his cabinet; and I beg your Excellency to permit me to commend
to the high consideration of the government the worthy inhabitants
of Texas, new as well as old. If suffering years of hardships in the
With the highest consideration I am your Excellency's servant,