Isaac Mathews to Stephen F Austin, 05-31-1825

Summary: Traded a horse for 640 acres of land. Wants title.

Alexandria May 31st 1825

Stephen F Auston Esqr

S P D Auston

Dear Sir there is a gentlemen that lives in your colleney by the name of Mr- Issac House, who lay sick at my house in the Month of August last, several days, during which time he informed me that He was about to trade for a league of land from you, and that his business cald him home (he said that he had been living there for two years) and that he was not able to travel for to get back to attend to his business on foot (which he was travling in that way) and he would give me six hundred and fourty acres of land lying on the watirs of the Burnard for a poney that would ansur for to carrey him home, on the faith and credit of his report I agreed to do so. and at the same time expecting to emmigrate to that country, was the indusement for me to run the risk of the trade with him, he is a single man and he makes his home at Mr. Varnors my wish to procure a title for the said land in my name through Mr- James Browne, who will bee the barer of this to you. and any expences that will occur on the same Mr- Brown will discharge it for me. I will write to Mr- House about the same, your complyance with the above request will mutch oblige your humble servant

Isaac Mathews [Rubric]

I hold Mr- Houses obligation for the sd land which I will intrust with Mr- Browne for the said arrangement