Stephen F Austin to Sheriff of Colony, 06-07-1825

Summary: To testify concerning seditious conduct of Buckner.

Department of Texas Jurisdiction of the Colony on the Colorado

Brasos and San Jacinto

The Sheriff of said Colony is hereby commanded in the name of the State of Quahuila and Texas to summon William Rabb, Andrew Rabb, Thomas Rabb, Joseph Newman, Robert Keykendall, William Kincheloe, Alexander Jackson, John Clark and Eli Hunter, to appear before me at my office in this place on Saturday the Eleventh day of this Month between the hours of Ten O Clock of the fore noon and two o clock of the afternoon then and there to give evidence as to any thing they may know relative to the disorderly and Seditious Conduct of A. C. Buckner, against the Authorities of the Government or the public peace of this Colony, and you will make a return of this summons, on Friday evening the 10 inst

Given in the Town of San Felipe de Austin June 7th 1825

Stephen F. Austin Judge of the Colony

To the Sheriff of Said Colony