Stephen F Austin to Mateo Ahumada, 09-08-1825

Summary: Concerning hostilities of Comanches and poor preparation of the colonists for war.

Your communication of the 19th of August last, received yesterday, has acquainted me with the breach of peace committed by the Comanches, and apprizes me that the Tahuacanos and Tahuiases have joined them in that savage and unjust war, and killed the American, Dickenson. You instruct me to adopt every possible measure, that I may be ready in case they should extend their hos- tilities to the limit of the establishment in my charge; to pursue them, and take satisfaction for any outrages they may commit.

The actual situation of this Establishment is by no means well calculated to meet the commencement of a war, owing to the reasons already expressed in my communication of August 20th, and September the 8th to the Political Chief of the Department. Nevertheless we are all ready to obey, and to attack any people considered as enemies by the government.

I will lose no time in adopting such measures as our circumstances permit for either attack upon or defence against the enemy. I have, in fact, already ordered the militia to be in readiness to march at the earliest notice, and I shall not omit to report to you any new occurrences.

God and Liberty. Stephen F. Austin.

San Felipe de Austin, September 8th, 1825.