John McGaffey to Government of the Province of Texas, 01-10-1826
Summary: Petition for permit to establish a road through the Neches bottom and a ferry across the river.
To the Honorable The Authorities and Representatives of the Government of the Province of Texas.
The Petition of John McGaffey Respectfully represents that Your Petitioner is a Citizen of the United States of North America, that he has of late taken up his residence in this Province of Texas With an intention of becoming a Faithfull and Usefull Citizen thereof.
Your Petitioner has with great pains and under Considerable disadvantages, partially Established a Ferry to Cross the River Neige
[Neches?] on the old Teskasito Road leading to Trinity: With a
view to be enabled to Make good Roads through the swamps and
Marshes adjacent to the Banks of said River, Your Petitioner Respectfully solicits the aid of the Government, to grant a Right to
him of a small Bank on the east side of the River whereon to build
a Ferry House, and a Right to improve Two Miles of Road through
the swamps and Marshes of the same side
Your Petitioner Would beg leave to represent that the West side
of the Banks of said River is surounded with an immense Marsh
of three miles through, subject to overflow, that he would respectfully
solicit a Right to these Marshes which would enable him for the
first year, to Make good Roads of three miles long on the West side,
and Two Miles on the East side Leading to and from the Banks of
said River Neige and in the space of Five Years he would obligate
himself to Make the Whole distance of Five Miles a high and Complete Turnpike Road.
As a Compensation for his pains and trouble Your Petitioner
respectfully solicit a Right to a League of Land Most convenient
and adjacent to the Ferry for the Maintainance and support of
himself and Familly also to Exact from travellers and Emigrants a
small Compensation for Ferriage
Your Petitionner Respectfully hopes that from the importance and
immense utility and Convenience to travellers and Emigrants of a
Well regulated Ferry your Honorable Body Will view his Petition
And as in duty bound Your petitionner will ever be gratfull and obedient to the Laws of this Province!
John McGAFFEY [Rubric]
River Neige
We the Undersigners, entertaining the Most favorable opinion of
the Integrity Industry and Sobriety of Mr. John McGaffey and being
Confident of his Capability to fulfill the Conditions of the solicited
grant, also, from the importance of the Establishment of a Ferry to
this colony beg leave respectfully to recommend him.