Armistead Moore to Stephen F. Austin, et al., 03-15-1826

Summary: Texan interest in Kentucky.

Round lick March 15 1826

Messrs. Austin Williams and Ingram

Gentlemen owing to high waters I have been prevented from writing to you as Early as I Contemplated, Cumberland river has not been so high for 35 years past, we have not had a mail on that account since I got home, when I arrived here I was sorrey to find my son William had made other arrangements than whot I expected, his Boats ware ready to sail to N. Orleans Loaded with Frieght which compelld him to make his returns to the people here this Spring.

if I can sell my possesions in this Country this summer I will be with you Next Spring if not as soon as I possibley can without makeing two grate sacrifices I am sorrey to Disapoint you in the Articles I promised to send you as also my son will be Disapointed in geting his Mill Irone if I get off Next Spring I will take a pleasure in accomodating you with the Articles you sent for. I hope you will write to me when ever your convenience will admit I should be Truely glad to hear from you often, what New laws are Enacted what the Commissioner has done how the Countrey progresses in settling etc

Armistead Moore

please to Direct your letters to me at Roundlick Smith County, Tennissee