M B Menard to Stephen F Austin, 11-27-1830

Summary: Colonel Piedras refuses to allow him to act as Austin's agent in Nacogdoches, to give certificates of admission to immigrants.

Nacogdoches. Nov. 27th. 1830.

Col Stephen F Austin

San philippe

dear sir I receved this morning by Mr. Novara your Letter and document appointing me your agent to give ceriificat to such deserving persons as should wish to Emigrate to your Colony I felt dedisposed to Accept of the apointment for three Reason Ier to oblige a man who has done the most for the Interest and promotion of this province 2er to satisfy the desire that I have if I had the power to promogate the growth and importance of this province 3er to the Request of Mr. Mc.Kinney a man that I have the highest Estime and Consideration for.

But not wishing to Expose myself being a Stranger in the Contry I thought proper (aliso in accordance with your Instruction) to call on Col Piedras to give his approbation on the Subject after due Consideration he said that he did not think he Could give his assent being Contrary to his Superior order that he had order to stop any one who Should not have a passport from a Mexican Agent that you had a wright youself to give pasport or Certificat to such Number or persons as by your Contract with Government you were to settle in your Colony and no more, that having the wright youself (to give Certificat) it was surpassing your faculty to Extend that wright to other and in short that the power and Instruction you give me were (if Complyed with) in direct violation of his order and to the 9th: article of the Law of the Sixth of aprill Last for he said by those Instruction you are impowered to give Certificat to any men (if good men) who Should say that he is Emigrating to Austin Colony not specifying the Number while your Contract with Government Specify a Limited Number and that no one ells ought to be admited in the province besides: it is an affair of too much Responsability for him to permit it he said if you would furnish him with a List of the names of those persons you have Contracted with which are to settle in your Colony or them to have a Certificat of your own Signature he has no objection to Let him pass, but upon no other term—Saying it would be transgressing his order to do the Contrary.—he Requested me to Let him take a Copi of your Instruction to me and that he would Write to the Govment to know whether they would allow you to appoint an agent for this business not finding it objectionable I Let him have the paper and he took a Copie of it I am no Lawyer therfore I do not know whether Col. Piedras is wright or wrong in this affair nor do I wish to have any Contantion with him on the Subject therfore I wrote you the Subtance of what he said it is for you to Juge or to do as you plaese about it

Notwithstanding my Willingness to be of Service to you-—you see it is imposible for the present But in this or other Case here after if I Can be of any help or service to you I prey you to Request it of me and I will if in my power do it with greatest pleasure

With Respect and Consideration I am your Obed. Sert,

Michel B. Menard [Rubric]

To. Col. Stephen F Austin

Ville de Austin

Addressed: Col. Stephen F. Austin. Villa de Austin Texas

Per Mr. Foster

PS. the Comisionner Novara Receved order to day from the Governor of the State not to proceed any farther in his business unless he is sure that Col. Milam Colonist are not North American Emigrant that Col. Milams Contract with Govt, his to settle European Emigrant the Gentlemen is very much dissapointed I am sorry for it.

M. B. Menard