Stephen F Austin to James F Perry, 12-14-1830

Summary: Navigation. Galveston must be the principal port. Legislature.

San Felipe de Austin 14 Decr 1830

Dr Brother,

I have the satisfaction of acknowledging the receipt of yours of 2d October from New York, and of informing you of the safe arrival of the Nelson. I recd a letter yesterday from John Austin stating that the Nelson was at Brazoria and he was then unloading your goods—She lost her false keel coming over the bar and thumped severely—the bar is much worse than when you came over—Henry Austin came near loosing his Steam boat going out, he put to Sea very much damaged and I have not heard of him since—

I wrote to John to follow your instructions strickly as to the goods, and not open them untill Mr Hunter arrives. I have not yet finished the Store house, it is raised (in this place) the Shingles are hawled— the plank is all sawed and wagons have gone after it—So that I hope it will be ready by the time Hunter arrives—I have no house under way for the family—you will get out in the Spring and the weather will be pleasant, and you can get along very well untill some buildings are put up—Emily has seen a new country in times long past and can manage very well for a month or two—The fact is I have no one to attend to business and if I undertake to build while I am absent it will cost ten prices. My advise is that you build on the out lots above Williams; in this place on the creek—-I think the situation a healthy one-

Edwards gets the League at the point-—There was no other way of arranging the thing—-The tract between the two creeks I think is the best Stock farm in the lower country, and I am clearly of opinion that Stock is the best business that can be followed, and if you intend to go into that business the Clear Creek and Dickensons Creek is the best tract you can get—I am very anxious for you to be here. We can soon fix ourselves comfortably—the family will have to undergo some privations the first year I leave here the day after tomorrow for Saltillo and shall not be back untill June, and I then hope to see you all here in health—. I have left my will with S. M. Williams and he has a power of attorney to attend to all my business, there is considerable due me and you can get work and plank etc. without paying money Also I wish you to begin collecting cattle due me—I think it will be a good plan to bring a mexican family with me from Saltillo

I have heard nothing from Hunter and am very uneasy about him—the Brazos bar is very dangerous Galveston must be the principal port

Call on Williams for any notes due me or all of them—and use any thing of mine as if it was yours without any kind of reserve. If I live through these two years, I am done for the balance of my life with all kind of public matters

The person who takes this is waiting so I will close by wishing you all a safe journey and good health


S. F. Austin [Rubric]

[Addressed:] Mr James F. Perry Potosi Missouri