John P Austin to Stephen F Austin, 12-20-1830

Summary: Forwarding Austin's uniform coat and Mr. O. Halsted's dyspepsia cure.

New York December 20. 1830

My dear Cousin

The weather having detained Mr. Treat, until this morning, Enables me to place your Coat under his Charge, and he promises to see that you get it with as little delay as possible. The Cost of Making it, far exceeds the sum named by the Tailor to Mr. Perry, which was but $20, So much so that the Tailor only Charges what he pays his journeymen. The principal Charge is the Embroidery, which at first was refused to be done for less than $35.— The work however is beautiful and I think you can but be pleased.

Whole Cost of Making is-------------------$40.

Box-------------------- . 50

Exp. of Cloth from Pha-------------- .50


The Cloth was received from Mr. Perry's friends in Philada. with whom Mr, P. wrote he had left $20.—to pay the Making which latter has not yet Come to hand but presume will be sent. Refering to my previous letter by Mr. Treat I remain

J. P. Austin


I also send you by Mr. T. a late publication, by O. Halsted Showing his new Method of Curing Dyspepsia for which secret he had previously charged $50— It is without Doubt one of the greatest discoveries of the age, being an effective Cure of a Disease that had baffled the Skill of our Most eminent Physicians, Medicine no doubt having a most injurious effect, in most Cases, as any thing would that tends to weaken the tone of the Stomach—I most sincerely hope as I trust you are not troubled with the above worst of all Maladys, but if so unfortunate, and the disease is very prevalent here, you may rely upon Mr. Halsted Cure as simple as it may appear, and will thank you to loan the book to brother Henry whose health, unless improved much since he left here, would no doubt receive benefit, was he to apply the Method to himself with perseverance—

I know instances here where persons have been so afflicted by the Dyspepsia as not to be ablento attend to their ordinary business and so far gone that a cup of black tea would require something to Correct its ill effects, recover entirely by Halsted Method, and a friend of mine in that Situation gained 12 to 15 pounds in weight in about three weeks time-.

We are a long time without arrivels from Europe, there is however a French Packet reported below, to have sailed 4 Novr—-and hope to get the news by her in time to send with this—

J. P. A.

To Col. Stephen F. Austin San Felipe de Austin Texas