I last had this pleasure on the 9th inst covering you a package
received from an unknown hand which I am in hopes will reach you
in safety.
Last mail from Saltillo, brought me the resolution, of the
Governor of your State in relation to the Ross grant, of which I made
mention in my last and reads as follows
" Y abiendose pasado esta instancia y Documentos respectivos al
Exmo. Sor Comandte General de los estados internos de oriente,
como comicionado del Supmo Gobno General pa entender en la
colónizacion del departamento de Bajar, con el fin de que informan sobre
el particular, y Habiendo manifestado dho Gefe con fha 27 de
Diciembre ultimo, que la contrata á que se refiere la antecedente solicitud
se opone, al cumplimiento de la ley de 6 de abril ultimo y
compromete ademas la Seguridad de dho Departamento, No ha lugar
a la petición que el C. Guillermo S. Parrott hace como apoderado
de la Sra Viuda y Hermano del finado Reuben Ross." The object
of the law of 6th april above refered is to prevent americans from
colonizing and I would be pleased to have your opinion, as to the
propriety of presenting another solicitude, proposing to settle the
number of families required of European extract, or Europeans,
If you deem the course practicable I will renew my solicitude
accordingly, otherwise I will have to abandon it