Stephen F Austin to Samuel M Williams, 03-05-1831
Summary: Concerning a land grant. Danger in the political situation.
[From Williams Papers, Rosenberg Library, Galveston, Tex ]
Dr Sir.
I recd nothing from you or anyone from Texas by the last mail
your last letter
[I have] sent some papers to Dn Ramon [with the] request to
send them to you, they [v]omit -fire against the present
administration. The death of Guerrero appears to have given new vigor,
and a vindictive rage to the fallen party. Bustamte can truly say,
as Calvits negro did the night his drunken master shot him "I
have taken my head in my hand" But, how many storms have
passed away with a simple válgame Dios. Thank God Texas is
beyond the reach of these internal hurricanes and I hope they never
will reach there, tho this depends mainly on the people of that
country. Keep harmony and Union among yourselves—and all is
Private—I wrote by last mail that your petition was granted—
since then I have recd the testimonio and will send it and all the
others by Fernando Rodrigues who starts in a few days for Bexar.
The power of attorney is effected in union with myself—the lower
line is ten leagues from the West—the upper on the heads of the
Brazos and Colorado: I wish the [B]oss [Teran?], to take a part
in this—if he will, all is safe. I am operating on a pritty large
scale, for a taciturn and noisless man, but I have no other object in
view that [than] the genl prosperity of us all and particularly of
this nation and government. Keep all this to yourself: The fate of
Texas, in some respects depends on the month of May next—untill
then look back and take council from the past a[nd keep] all quiet—
you can shew [parts of?] the letter to Luke if you think prop[er but]
to no one else and he must not mention or breathe it to anyone.
Remember me affectionately to Sarah and Eliza and my little nephew and write me how Stephen is, you say nothing of him—I presume he is still at Westalls. Send the enclosed by first opportunity.
S. F. Austin [Rubric]
Tell Mancha [that] her son is well and * * *
[Addressed:] Sam M. Williams