Summary: Acknowledging his appointment as collector at Brazoria and promising to aid him.
I am informed by yr official Letter of the 2d inst which came to
hand the 9th of yr appt by Col J. D. Bradburn as Capt of the Port
or inspector of the tributary port of the port of Galveston called
Brasoria and of your arrival at Brasoria— You may rest assured
that I will cheerfully unite with you in every measure conformably
with the laws to carry into effect the object of your office— By the
Militia Laws of this state the Militia are under the direction of the Alcalde that is to say if you should find the militia necessary for
the performance of your duties the order must emanate from the
Alcalde— In order to prevent you from laboring under any serious
disadvantages. I will call on the Alcalde for an order addressed to
the Comt of the Batalion to furnish Militia whenever necessary—
altho I hope and trust they will not be necessary
Accept the assurances of my respect and esteem and desires for your success in the discharge of yr duties 10 March 1831WDD.