John P Austin to Stephen F Austin, 10-10-1831
Summary: Acknowledging commission to obtain dress and mantila and dressed dolls. Purchasers of scrip of the Galveston Bay & Texas Land Co. are suing for lecovery of the money. Three schooners in port destined for Austin's colony; another leaving next week. Presents for Mexican ladies.
New York
My dear Cousin ;
referring to my last report I have now the pleasure to
acknowledge the receipt of your much esteemed favor of the
I hope you may not be disappointed in the expected Visit from Genl. Teran—although a Gentleman who arrived here a Short time since from Matamoras, says he had given up the idea of going—As I should be much pleased to know his Views as to the Galveston Bay and Texas land Company, and Texas in general, and I can assure you any information you may give me on the subject, would be most acceptable to said Company—
I have never doubted your friendly feelings towards the company,
as I have ever expressed myself when Called upon, as far as
might be consistent with your duty to yourself and Colony, which
could but be benefited by Settlers anywhere in its neighborhood if
properly conducted.—I understand several who have purchased
Scrip of the Company have commenced suits for the recovery back
of their money, after having been out and disappointed, in finding
no land of the compy to locate on. Say the Company have no lands
therefore a false sale. As each purchaser is supposed to have been
made acquainted with the terms of purchase I do not see how they
ere to recover, except it be by a point of law, for it was all a
speculation between the parties— I am happy to learn of the continued
friendly disposition of the Mexican Government towards your
Colony, which I believe has ever been the Case, and that it is prospering
equal to your expectation— Mr. Sayre is delighted with it and
takes his wife out with him. He is beset on all sides with inquiries—
Many men of respectability and Capital have been waiting to hear
his report, before going out, which they will find most favourable.
Mr, S, is considered a man of handsome property, Some estimate
Henry was most unfortunate in being sick, at same time fortunate
in being in such good hands.—He is now where I wished him to go,
years ago, and hope he may succeed, this much I am confident, he
will not want for a friend in You, and that you will aid him in his
plans as far as may be practicable—He has a large family—wife
and six children—but remarkably well Governed, and I think will
prove acceptable to the Colony—there are now three Vessels up for
your Colony, and a pleasing Sight it is to me to see their Sign
boards and to read them as I pass. Viz. Sch. Nelson, for Brazoria—
Austin's Colony.—Sch. Boston Packet, for Matagorda—Austin's
Colony.—Sch. Glide, for Anahuac Galveston Bay—Austin's
Colony.—now quite a novelty here but will not probably be So long, for
I expect the trade will ere long rapidly increase—there is also a
Vessel building to Sail from here about the
J. P. Austin [Rubric]
New York
My dear Cousin
refering to annexed duplicate I have now the pleasure to add a
few lines by my brother Henrys wife, who with the rest of his
family take passage in the Nelson to sail in the
P. S. I would refer you to a file of papers Sent Henry.—I enclose
a bill for the articles ordered—altho not able to send them pr
Nelson . . . which you will notice has been paid by Mr. Sayre— I
doubt not the cost far exceeds your expectations for I can assure you
it does mine—but we cannot be aware in ordering them, particularly
the fashions and dress, no price can be fixed—I think however can
best please the Mexican Ladies—which as you say is all important-
being so much admired here—the fashions are of the latest and most
admired, and by one of the first mantua makers in the city in her best
stile—I have letters from Henry as late as
Must close in haste
Yours truly