Perry and Hunter to Stephen F Austin, 03-01-1832

Summary: Prices.

Col S. F Austin

In a/c with Perry and Hunter Dr


May 14 For 1 Bolt Irish Linnen 26 yds 1.25_____ 32. 50

" Buttons and Thread._____ 1 00

30 " 24 yds Linnen Sheeting pr Mrs Williams @87 1/2____________ 21 00

" 11 Super Ticking@ 50___________________ 5 50

" 7 1/2 Rusia duck @ 37 1/2________________ 2 81

" 6 yds Fine Sea Island 50______ 3 00

" 1/4 yd Linnen cambrick________________________________ 1 00

21 " 6 Skeins white thrd____________________ 75

June 14 " 1 watch Ribbon_______________ 50

">" 1 wriding whip________________________3.50

19 " 1 Black Silk Vest________________________ 6. 00

Augt. 8 " Amt Wilson and Harris ord. favr. Jno. Allcorn Delivd. you-_______________ 40 00

21 " Cash For Spaniard___________________ 25

27 " Cash paid James Whiteside_________________ 43. 00

Sept. 7 " 1 Bridle_______________ 1 50


Oct. 20 " Amt Mosea Russaw ord. on You_________________ 10.44

24 " 6 yds Yellow Flannel @ 87 1/2_______________________ 5 25

" Thread Tape and Buttons________________________________ .31

" 3/4 yd Bleachd. Dom._______________________________ . 25

Nov 4 " Amt Your Order favr. Jno. Allcorn______________________ 41.00

5 " 1 Bottle Godfrey's Cordial_________________________ 38

7 " 2 Do Do Do___________________________ 75

11 " 1/2 lb Raisons___________________________________ 25

" Godfreys Cordial________________________________ 75

14 " 1/2 Qr paper Bot of Mosley_______________________ 25

23 " 1 pad Lock_____________________________________ 62

23 1 Bell_____________________________ 75

" " 6 1/2 lb. Lether of R Mosley @ 30 c_________________ 1. 95

" " 1 pr. Sterup Lethers_____________________________ 1 00

25 " amt M. Russaw's ord. favr. Jas. Haggard accepted for 4 Cows and Calves_____________________________ 40. 00

Dec 11 " Amt Merchd pd Geo. Tennell as pr Bill rendeted____ 695 17


Jany 3 " 1 pr Shoes______________________________________ 1 50

" 1 " Lambs Wool 1/2 Hose_______________________ . 87

8 " 1 Linnen Cambrick______________________________ 6. 00

1 Blk Silk Vest__________________________________ 4. 00

3 1/2 yds Bombazett @ 62 1/2_______________________ 2 18

amt over____________ $974 98

Amt Brt. Forward [Next page]________________ $974 98

Jany 8 For 2 Yds Ratinett @ 87 1/2__________________________ 1 75

10 " 1 7/8 Yd Irish Linnen @ 1.25_______________________ 2 34

12 " 1 Furd hat pr S. M. Williams___________ 8. 00

30 " 1 pr Saddle Bags________________________________ 6.00

Feby 1 " pd your ord. favr. Thos Borden______________ 47. 65

16 " 17340 Brick @ 10$ pr. Thousd____________________ 173 40

" Nails pr Stack and William at Sundry times for House @ 18 3/4_______________________________________ 20 00

" Bolts Hinges and Screws_________________________ 4 50

18 Cash Loaned you________________________________ 8.00

Cash paid in Philadelphia for

Oct. 28. 1830 pd Subscription to quarterly review for 1830___5. 00

" Do National Gazett "_5.00

" Do Quarterly Review up to Deer. 1832___ 10. 00

" Do Nat. Gazett up to Oct. 1832_______5. 00

Jany 1831 pd for Making Coat and Co in N. York____41. 00

off the amt left to pay sd Bill____________20. 00. 21. 00. 46 00


Feby 28 1 pr Suspenders_______________________________________ 75

29 Amt Your order on us this day Accepted____________ 47 13

" Amt. F. Stacks ord. on your accpt. 26. Inst___________ 81 87

" Amt pd Mosea Rusaw pr. your ord. order a/c Rendered You___________ 44 50

" Shoeing 2 Horses all Round New Shoes__________________ 6. 00

$1472 87

Cr. 1831. 28 July

By Eagle Money_________________ 57.00

By 4 pr. Ct on the above____________ 2. 28

By Hand Money___________________ 23. 00

1832 Feby.

By fees as empressario and commissioner on Greenberry Logans Land________ 25. 00

By your fee on Land for Mr. Rodgers________ 10. 00

By ord. in favr. William Williamson Returned. __________47. 13 164 41

Ballance Due as pr Book's_________________$1308 46

Austin 1st Mar. 1832

Perry and Hunters