This nation is in a dreadful situation—it seems to be necessary
that they should pass through an ordeal—a kind of revolutionary
furnace, to purify them from the hereditary evils which unfit them
for republicanism—the present struggle is between the democratic
republican federal party, commonly called the Santana party, and
aristocratic central party. I think the result of the present civil war
will be the election of a President who is not a military man, and the
organization of a democratic administration for the next four years—
The port of the Brazo Santiago and the city of Matamoros
containing about 10,000 inhabitants, were taken peaceable possession of on
the 25 and 28 June by Col. José Antonio Mexia, The old garrison
quietly marched off one way and the others marched in—not one drop
of blood has been shed, nor one cent of private property lost or
interfered with. No foreigners here, not even naturalized citizens, have
taken any part whatever, tho that will not prevent them from being
unjustly censured by the other party, who would no doubt be well
satisfied to see them all expelled the country. Mexia came from
Tampico by water. The result of his expedition is doubtfull for it
is said that Genl. Teran is near with his troops—those who left here
expected to meet him—Mexia has about two hundred and fiftymen. His conduct so far has been very correct and highly honorable
to him as a soldier and as a man. The Governor of the State
of Tamaulipas, Don Vital Fernandez accompanied Mexia from
Tampico, where the events of the revolution forced him to seek refuge
from the aristocratic party.