Stephen F Austin to Samuel M Williams, 07-01-1832
Summary: The Santa Anna revolution. Advice for avoiding conflict in Texas. Fidelity to Mexico.
[From Williams Papers, Rosenberg Library, Galveston, Tex.]
Dr Sir—
A revolution—or rather a change of garrisons has taken place in
this town—Col. J. A. Mexia entered on the
I have never seen anything conducted with so much good order—
one party quietly marched off towards San Fernando, and the other
as quietly marched in and took up quarters in the barracks. The
ordinary business of the merchants was not interrupted one hour—
not one cent of private property has been touched—not one act of
confusion nor even of disorder has occurred since Mexia arrived.
By the by, he is a very different man now from what he was when
you knew him—he has had ten years experience, a great part of the
time as Secretary of Legation in Washington city—he is now a useful,
and I think quite a liberal and good man, I am much pleased
with him.
I have written to Ugartechea by the express which left here on the
Exert bound to
Galveston, he promised to call at the mouth of the river. I also
wrote to Musquis, to the Alcalde to John and to you.
Ugartechea is ordered to take command at Anahuac. Duclor is ordered from the mouth of the river to Brazoria. Cortina is provisional collector of Galveston.
The course for the people there to take in the present distracted
state of the nation, is to declare that they will take no part in the civil
war at all—that they will do their duty strictly as Mexican
Citizens—that they will adhere to Mexico and to the gen. and State
constitution, and resist any unjust attacks upon either, by any, or by
all parties no matter who they may be.
This must be the basis of all they do, or say,—that is, should they
find themselves bound to do, or say anything to protect their personal
I am told the chief of department has gone on—he must act, and
sustain the dignity of the State. I recd an officio from Genl Teran
informing that he had ordered Ugartechea to advise with me, and
put himself de accuerdo with me, I am requested to do the same
with Ugartechea—in obedience, and full complyance with this request
I have written to Ugartechea twice. I sent a copy of my first letter
to the Chief by the express, and of the last by the Exert, and I now
enclose you another for Ugartechea.
From the best information I can get I think that Teran will be upon Mexia in this place in a day or two with his whole force—if so it will be a bad business, and I fear the result for Mexia is in a just and good cause and deserves to get through well—his movement here was bold and prompt, and well managed.
I say that he is in a good cause for the reason that what is called the Santana party, is in fact the democratic republican federal party of the nation, opposed to the aristocratic party.
I have waited here to see the event of these things before I went
to Saltillo—shall probably start
The Governor of the State Vital Fernandez came with him from Tampico, the Lieut, Govr Juan Molano is also here.
Keep peace in Texas, and if there is anything done, mind the
main basis, Union to Mexico, and obedience and adherence to the
Constitution, repeat this basis in all that is done, and all that is
said—never loose sight of it one moment.
I have had a good deal of talk with Fisher, and am reconciled
with him—his intentions were better than were supposed, but he
greatly mistook the means and committed imprudencies of which
he is now aware—he never intended to go back—or at least not
soon—let him alone—say no more about him—he is an unfortunate
man and anything said against him now will be taken for persecu-
Let the past be forgotten—