Stephen F Austin to Samuel M Williams, 07-18-1832
Summary: All must now unite in support of Santa Anna and the Liberals. Bradburn precipitated the clash in Texas. Williams must not take to heart popular disapproval of his pacific policy.
[From Williams Papers, Rosenberg Library, Galveston, Tex.]
Dr Sir,
I had not time to say much by Wm. Austin. Since he left I have
heard of the excitement which some have felt against you owing
to the difference of opinion as to what ought to be done in the
critical situation of the country. These [are] things to be expected
everywhere and amongst all people under excitement—they have
their hour and pass away and are forgotten. All that is necessary
for you to do or say is, that you wished to do for the best—may
have been mistaken as to the means, that nothing but an anxious
desire to serve the common cause of the country actuated you,
without personal feelings against anyone, that in your moments of
excitement you blamed others who differed in opinion with you, and
that they also had the same right to blame you, for both thought
their course the best etc. Something of this nature and in a good
[hu]mored way, without any display of passion or irritation against
anyone will soon put it all at rest—some of the leading men in the
U. S. have had the honor of being stuck up in effigy for political
opinions, so that you need not feel mortified at that. A few persons
here last night had you and two others Chambers and Lewis up in
effigy—it will do you no harm unless you get into a passion about
it—so keep quite cool and let it all pass away, as it will do of itself.
The fact is that the state of things has been such that, at times none
of us knew or could tell what course was the best—all had but one
object in view which was to do right as near as they could—en fin,
vale mas reir qe maldecir.
The colony and all Texas have but one course left which is to unite in the cause of the Santana party, and if necessary fight it out with the ministerialists— I have written to Musquis urging him to make a pronunciamto in Bexar. Nacogdoches will follow as a matter of course and Piedras will acquiess or have to leave the country for Matamoros.
I have great need here for Mr. Greaves and hope he will come
down—tho it is now almost too late. I wish the Ayuntamto to
make a formal pronunciamto as soon as possible and advise the
Alcalde to call an extra meeting as soon as possible so as to give
time for the members to attend, this is very important indeed. We
must now all pull at the same end of the rope.
Teran killed himself at Padilla on the
Mexia and myself have been enthusiastically recd, here—it was
a joyfull event for the whole country, for I think it [will] unite
Texas on the same side, and right or wrong we must all pull together.
I intended to have started up
Don't let these matters worry you, what you have done was for
the best. Under the circumstances in which you were placed it
was impossible to say what was for the best-—all reasonable men
will look at the motives and not at hasty expressions made in a
moment of great excitement. I will write to the Alcalde to call a
meeting of the ayto.—it must be as soon as possible for I wish to
return with Mexia to Matamoros so as to be at Saltillo by the
Farewell—remember me to Sarah and Mr. Greaves
Muchissimas memorias a Arciniega digale que escribi a Bexar pa que se pronuncian por Santana.
I have this moment recd, yours by William Austin. I am fully aware of the motives which influenced you.
I have always expressed to you, both verbally and in writing a wish that the colonists should not take part in the civil wars of the Mexicans, unless they should unfortunately reach Texas, in that event there would of course be no remidy left but to take a hand.
I had no right or reason to expect that that most consummate of
all fools, Bradburn, would have acted as he has done—he promised
and assured me at Lynches that he would respect the civil Authority at
Col Mexia would go up with great pleasure, but his fleet is
anchored off and he is limited as to time,-he starts on
write to Gonzales and let them know what they ought to do—
La constitución y Santana.