Stephen F Austin to Samuel M Williams, 07-22-1832

Summary: Instructing him to provide transportation and supplies for Mexican troops.

[From Williams Papers, Rosenberg Library, Galveston, Tex.]

Mr Samuel M. Williams

Furnish the troops of Lieut. Col. Ugartechea two wagons and provisions to last to La Bahia and two hundred dollars in cash. I have recd, here two hundred dollars [more?] and will take them up with me—make contracts for the waggons etc so as to get the proper vouchers. The provisions can be got in part on the road, some on Colorado and some on Navidad.

Brazoria July 22 1832

S. F. Austin [Rubric]

The waggons are needed to La Bahia—it probably will be the better plan to get them as far as Guadalupe, and have them re- placed there by others for La Bahia—or perhaps some may [be] had on Navidad or La Bahia, All this can be done by writing to James Kerr, or some others.

S. F. Austin [Rubric]

Also furnish a horse for Lieut. Manuel Pintado to [co]me to this place—and Bagages for the officers to go to La Bahia.

S. F. Austin

Amigo D. Samuel: No tengo lugar escribirle solo le digo qe Duclor queda con su destino, y yo marcho a Matamoros exp. a la Señorita, y le encargo a V. qe me abilite a mi tropa lo mas pronto hta la Bahia pa. qe no tengan dificultades.

D. Ugartechea [Rubric]

(Indorsed): S. F. Austin July 1832 Order in favor of Ugartechea for money.