Leander H McNeil to Stephen F Austin, 09-10-1832
Summary: Introducing Gen. Sam Houston.
Nashville Tenn.
Dear Colonel
Genl. A. Houston of this town is a going to depart for Texas
in a
I have seen several accounts in the news papers Respecting a considerable difficulty in Texas between the Americans and Mexican troops Stationed in your colony which terminated in a total route of them from that part of the country, I also saw an account in a New Orleans paper of the arrival of four or five hundred troops from Genl. Santa Anna and several ships of the line which will be a great advantage to the Americans, if an attack was made on them by Genl. Bustamenta and his party. I have no doubt but it will be an advantage to the Colonists in future to Keep those Mexicans from interfering with there Rights and privileges.
I have nothing in the way of news to write that would interest
you, The prest. of the U. States has been in Nashville and its vi-
[Addressed:] Col. S. F. Austin San Filipe de Austin Texas
Politeness of Genl. Houston.