Stephen F Austin to John Austin, 05-31-1833

Summary: Urging Texans to support Fisher as collector of customs.

Matamoras May 31. 1833

J. Austin Esqr


Dr Sir. This will be handed to you by Geo. Fisher, the Collector of Galveston, who returns to Texas as an Officer of the Governt to establish the Custom House.

I have assured him, that he will receive the support of the Colonists in sustaining the Revenue Laws, and Collecting the duties. There is too much good sense in the farmers and regular Merchants in that Country to suffer themselves to be envolved in difficulties by transient Pedlars or Traders whose only object is to increase their profits at the cost of those who may be weak or vile enough to aid them.

As regards the Past, and any bad feelings which may have existed about the transactions in which Mr Fisher was concerned—I think they should all be buried in everlasting oblivion and forgotten. "The Soveraign Mantle" of the Nation has been thrown over all former excitements in every part of the Nation. The same should be done in Texas, and I have no doubt it will be, and that Mr Fisher, as Collector of Galveston will receive the unanimous support of the farmers and regular merchants.

S. F. Austin

A true copy of the original, in my possession, which I hereby certify.

Geo. Fisher.