Stephen F Austin to James F Perry, 10-28-1833

Summary: Congress favorable to repeal of restrictions on immigration from the United States. State organization still unsettled and little hope of success.

Mexico 23 October 1833.

Dr Brother,

It gives me much pleasure to inform you that the decree repealing the 11 article of the law of 6 April 1830 passed the chamber of deputies yesterday almost unanimously, and was discussed today in the senate and two articles were approved (there are three articles in the decree) when the senate adjourned. There was strong opposition in the senate on the ground that the Govt, of the U. S. would take Texas if any more were alowed to come in from that nation and many other very foolish and absurd objections, but the majority were in favor of the law and I am told there is no doubt the other article will pass tomorrow

Genl. Santana is expected in the city in three days and after he arrives I will try (a final tryal) on the state question. I told the vice President the other day that Texas must be made a state by the Govt, or she would make herself one. This he took as a threat and became very much enraged—however when he understood that my object was only to state a positive fact which it was my duty to state, he was reconciled. I had told him and the ministers the same thing ever since I came here. The fact is this govt, ought to make a state of Texas, or transfer her to the U. S. without delay and there is some probability at this time that one or the other will be done. A short time now will determine this matter in some way No one writes to me from Texas I hope you have taken possession of all my papers desk etc that is if it be true as reported here that Williams is dead, which I hope to God is not the case. I left blanks signed to close the coast colony and should they fall into bad hands an improper use might be made of them— take possession of them all—

I have had to draw on Orleans for one thousand dollars. This trip will cost me very dear, but I care nothing about that if either of the two events above mentioned can take place, or if any good results to Texas and its inhabitants— all my desires and ambition are limited to the sole object of benefiting that country—tho I must confess that some of the good folks there irritate me very much sometimes with their personal animosities and jealousies—but it is of short duration.

Love to my beloved Sister and all the children and to your neighbors

Your brother S_______

I have written every mail since my arrival here on the 18 July— [Addressed:] Mr. James F. Perry Merchant San Felipe de Austin Texas