Oliver Hones to James F Perry, 06-10-1834

Summary: Reporting news from Austin. Robertson's colony.

Santarosa June 10th 1834

Dear Sir

believing yourself and family anxious to hear something direct from Col Austin, I take the liberty of forwarding you such information as I have obtained.

I this day recd, a letter from Farther Muldoon dated Mexico May 14th, respecting Austin, he writes as follows,--

You have no doubt have known of Austin's imprisonment in one of the dungeons of the Inquisition since the beginning of february until last week, when he was put in communication, although I have been to see him several times during the extreme rigor of his prison, but to obtain this boon, to make use of Priestcraft was of absolute necessity, the Vice President would have suffered him to rot there without once offering him the remotest hope of his enlargement He will soon enjoy the plentitude of liberty.

The farther says he has been living with the president since the commencement of the present year, that he left his country residence on the 17th of apl owing to some new disturbances making their appearences in Mexico and arived at the capital on the 23rd and again took charge of the reins of govt, he is of opinion all things will become tranquil in a short time,—

Sterling Robison agent of the Nashville Company, has obtained the coloney granted to Austin and Williams in 1832, I believe it cost a bribe of about thirteen hundred dollars.

Oliver Jones

Dear Sir

This letter was in closed to you in a letter Directed to Williamson I now send you the letter as there is something respecting Uncle, I wrote you yesterday. Roberson has got the colony but he has got it by proveing lies by some interested individuals, but every thing that has been done by Austin and Williams is respected and is to stand good etc I think there will be some difficulty about it yet as they will try to prove that Roberson had not the Hundred familys which he has stated to the Government through the Ayuntameanto that he had when the law of 6 April was passed etc which prevented him from fullfilling his contract etc

M. A. B[ryan]

Austin June 26 1834

[Addressed] Mr. James F. Perry Peach Point politeness Doct Shaw