G M Collinsworth to Stephen F Austin, 10-08-1835

Summary: Attacking Goliad

Guadaloupe 12 o'Clock Oct 8th 1835

In Camp

Col S. F. Austin

Dear Sir I have this day stoped an Express directed to you from Martin Perfecto de Cos which I deemed of Some importance to our Movements, Consequently have taken the liberty of opening the Same, and have Resealed and dispatched with all possible Speed—we Shall Enter Laberdee [La Bahia, Goliad] to Night or tomorrow, there is from 60 to 100 troops in that place I have under My charge 47 Good and Effective men which I think all Sufficient to take that place, from whence if I have No advice I Shall direct My March to Bexar, I also inclose you a letter from the Custom House at Goliad to Mr Dimmet, without a Signature In hast your obt Servant

Geo. M. Collinsworth, Capt.


Goliad Octe. 7. de 1835

Sor. D. Felipe Dimit

Mi estimado amigo: recebi la apreciable de V. de 28. del ppdo. Setr. y como buen patriota tuve mucho gusto y tome el Brindis qe. me indica. No puedo ser mas largo en virtud de qe las circunstancias pr. aqui estan muy delicadas, la agradecere a V. me mande 500. puros y qe. ordene lo qe. guste a su afmo amigo sego. servor Q. B. S. M.

P. D. El portador sigue a S. Felipe con un oficio pa- D. Estevan Austin.