R R Royall to Stephen F Austin, 10-09-1835

Summary: Efforts of the permanent council to fill his orders.

San Felipe 9th October 1835

Dear Col.

Your Express arrived from the Army at 10 oclock last night at 4 this morning Our Express left for Matagorda I sent Public and Private Letters to Excite the People to turn out, to send the rifle Powder and Lead in haste by Beason's as directed and the cannon will go as soon as Possible. I fear it cannot reach Beason's sooner than 14th or 15th But you may no doubt Expect the Rifle Powder and some Lead soon. I have also sent for small Bar Iron for Slugs for the Cannon I think you may rely upon Matagorda and also for some more men

At 8 oclock this morning Our Express left for the East and the Bearer (Majr. Hadley') promised it should be in Nacogdoches, tomorrow night. We have only advised something on the Indian subject If necessary. I hope there is no fear from that quarter I here enclose Communication to the People Eastward and dont fear But In a Very short time all Texas will be on the Alert Majr Hadley took about 30 copies and six or Eight of Col. Moore's Letter we would willingly all turn out, If circumstances, would Permitt You may rely upon our cooperation in all things

R. R. Royall [Rubric]

[Addressed:] Col. S. F Austin or Jno. H. Moore Comdt. Gonzales, favd. by Capt Scott