Eli Mercer to Stephen F Austin, 10-12-1835

Summary: Advises fighting from "the bush." Avoid open fighting

Egypt 12th Oct 1835

Dear Sir,

I heard of your crossing Colorado, in company with a good number hope you are now at head quarter, assisting there, we rely with much confidence on the taking of Ugartechea Our numbers certainly are sufficiently Strong for 500 Mexicans. Please to recollect we have not a man to lose, but must calculate on gaining our Victories with out loss. I understand that Coss wrote you to San Felipe, requesting to See you in San an Tone; but I hope your prudence will dictate to you that if you See him it will be when he is a prisoner. I think if Coss and Ugartechea could be defeated and made prisoners, we would have time after that event to be in readiness for the next attack. I think the only chance in our situation is to fight them from the Brush, fight them from the Brush all the time; never take our Boys to an open fight our Situation will not admit of it. all must be deciplind before,we can fight in the open field

Eli Mercer

[Addressed:] Col Austin, Gonzales Texas