R R Royall to Stephen F Austin, 10-19-1835

Summary: Concerning arrest of Williams, a tory. Consultation

San Felipe 19th Oct. 1835

Genl. Austin

Since I wrote you Last Evening I have conversed with Mr Menard and other members from that Quarter that say it will have a salutary effect to arrest, Williams and some say also one Jno. M. Smith and Son. My sentiment was the fruits of my own Emmagination and all I converse with say Arrest Williams and his satilites will fall in Ranks, of this Consult and you wishes will be executed promptly I here send you a communication of Messrs Menard and Bryan from Liberty they say all the members will accord to them. I herewith Enclose you a Resolution on the subject of Holding the Consultation at Washington one Dessenting out of about 12 or 15— I suppose they may meet there and perhapse adjourn to San Felipe at any rate let all be for Union and Harmony.

R. R. Royall

[Addressed:] Genl. S. F. Austin Head Quarters Voluneer Army