San Felipe. October 31st. 1835
To Genl. S. F. Austin Genl. Saml Houston and Volunteers Generally
Friends and Fellow Citizens
We understand from persons from head Quarters that much
disatisfaction prevails in camp on account of being uncomfortable, we most
earnestly hope you will not desert the Noble Enterprise so boldly and
manfully Begun, will You leave our frontier to the Ravages of a cowardly foe
who dare not oppose you when In the Field, will you sacrifice Texas and
the Fame you have already won for the sake of a little momentary comfort,
will you forsake the fine settlements to the West (Guadaloupe and La
Vaca.) only for the sake of a little Respite from the Inclemency of the
approaching winter, thereby giving the Enemy confidence in themselves
and a contempt for us. We cannot believe it. You are still Americans
and will sustain your character as such Gentlemen and Friends. If you
desert San Antonio you will almost Ruin, Texas. As for comforts you shall
want for none Wagons are on the Road with Corn meal shugar, coffee
and Bacon Flour some arms, canon and Ball. Blanketts tent cloth shoes
etc are also started from Columbia and Brazoria our friends there Invite
you to send for what you want and nothing will be refused you If you
want Clothing a heavy stock has Just arrived in Brazoria, Quintana and
Matagorda, do but say and it shall be sent you without price or trouble on
your Part let each Capt Report his wants to the commander and this
council has provided means to fill every order nothing cant be Ordered
but what will be at your command we will send it on Pack Horses, If you
are in a hurry we can get an abundance of Warm Clothing Blanketts Shoes,
and Tents If you will but Just ask for it. Reinforcements are coming
from every Quarter and If you but Just hold on a little San Antonio must
fall Just at the sight as If it were of your superior numbers. If you or a
portion of you leave it will discourage and prevent the Reinforcements
now getting up in all parts of the Country 75 men from N. Orleans, in
complete uniform have Just left Brazoria and will soon Join you an
Express from Lake Creek says in a few days 50 men from that Quarter will
leave for head Quarters men from Nacogdoches came in today and from
all accounts we Expect a Great many more from there in a few days. 75
left N. Orleans by steam for Nachitoches destined for Texas and will be
soon along, another vessel full is hourly expected at Velasco and from
cow Bayou some 30 or 50 more beside our letters from the U States In
form us of Companies being in readiness all along the Mississippi River
and from the Calls we have made Upon them we cannot fear but there will
be in a few weeks as many troops as we want when our Farmers may return
home and attend to their Bussiness. You must see that we have every thing
to expect and nothing to loose by holding on. you will be assuredly
relieved in the meantime every comfort ever known in an Army shall be
afforded you If you will but ask for it.
Felow citizens we would Gladly Join you in the Army but there is but
a few of us and your necessities require that we stay here to forward
supplies and take all other steps to advance the Cause you are fighting for.
Felow Citizens
You are where the news of state of things dont Reach you we hear
from all parts of Texas and the United States, of Reinforcements men and
money. As much As we want can soon be had We could not expect to
Rise up and conquer the Enemy in a few Weeks and If you but hold on a
little while all will be well
The 12 pounder is perhaps now at Colorado
The 13 " is " started from Columbia with
considerable Powder and Ball I am shure these circumstances should
encourage you If they afford no other advantage you can plant them where
they will knock a few of their Houses about their Ears, the Wagon from
Matagorda will cross the Colorado I suppose to day with shugar, coffee,
Iron for slugs etc etc the wagon with musketts is on the Road and also
Bacon We earnestly hope that the next we hear is you have determined
never to abandon your hold and Receive an Order for more tent Cloth
Blanketts Warm Clothing shoes etc etc. The things already on the Road
in the way of clothing is 300 Blanketts 250 prs shoes 600 yds tent cloth,
soap and candles. We Remain Very Respectfully
R. R. Royall, Presd Genl Council.
A. Houston Secty
N B. If you wish the Volunteers from N. O. to come to Bexar send to
Goliad for them they will be there in a few days from this
R. R. R.
[Addressed:] Generals Austin and Houston Head Quarters Bexar