L Smither to Stephen F Austin, 11-04-1835
Summary: Injuries and mistreatment suffered from volunteers from the East
TO the commander and cheaf stephen F. auston
Dear Sir I Regret to bee compeld to address you on such a savage and
hostile Conduct as was commitd by some of the troops that past this place
after goind to Bead thiy Enterd the house twice by bursting Evry door
and window and coming in crowds and dragd me into the Streats and beat
my head to a poltice and would have kild me in the most torturing manner
for no caws on earth but that I was in the house I used Evry means to
pasefy them but the wild savage would have adherd with more humility
I Refur you to Evry sober and honable man in this place what my conduct
has bean as Regards using Every means day and night to ade and assist
Evry man that has past this place and If the authority of this army dos not
L. Smither [Sic]
a List of damages
thomas R Millers store broken ope and a bout $100 and all his clothing and a newe hat togathe with all most all the clothes that I Had which was new
M Williams 2 fin coats
1 Blanket
1 Long Bufelow skin
S Smith [illegible]
3 Large Blankets
... is a small part that is sade to be taken all most Evry house in the place broken open and Robd
The tales that I Rote you was Rite I scarsely know my head from my heals
[Addressed:] Jeneral Stephen F Austen comander in cheaf at head quarter