at home Decr. 8th. 1835.
Genl. S. F. Austin Dr Sir. I have heard with pleasure of Your return
from Our Army, knowing as I do the materials of which the Army is
composed, I mean the insubordination, and the impossibility of keeping up any
thing like discipline, in the absence of all Law, I do think my d Sir, that
You did err'd materially in the appointment of Your Staff. You placed
Men in Office that would stop, at nothing short of Your ruin etc etc
The proceedings of the whole Convention proves to my mind the old
adage that give Men power and they will help themselves—they have made
appointments which will down the Whartons in our Section, say the appt.
of L. C. Manson as 1st. Judge in our district—agst. which there will be a
strong and very public remonstrance, as will many Others, known to
[The rest of the letter is taken up with the writer's anxiety about titles
to his land.]
Jas. P Caldwell
[Addressed:] Genl S. F. Austin San Felipe De Austin