Stephen F Austin and William Wharton to Henry Smith, 01-14-1836

Summary: Copy of instructions to William Bryan, General Agent for Texas

In conformity with the powers vested in us as Commissioners of the Provisional Government of Texas, we have in consequence of having full faith in the fidelity, integrity and ability of Mr. William Bryan Merchant of New Orleans, appointed and constituted him General Agent for Texas.

1st- It shall be the duty of said Agent to correspond regularly with the Government and the Commissioners, and to keep them apprized of any, and everything that may be useful to Texas.

It shall be his duty to accept all drafts drawn by the Purchasing Agent to the extent of the funds of the Government within his control, also to accept generally for the Government so far as prudence will justify.

It shall be his duty to accept and receive all donations that may be sent to him from any part of the world, and deposit them to the credit of Texas in the Bank of Orleans, as the law requires.

It shall be his duty to supervise the filling of all orders chartering of vessels etc etc, to keep a faithful account of all purchases etc duplicates of which shall be transmitted to the Government every three months.

It shall be his duty to compare accounts with the Purchasing Agent every three months, and transmit the results to the Government every three months as aforesaid. We pledge ourselves that all orders of the Government for purchasing in the City shall be directed to said William Bryan so long as he is the agent of Texas.

S. F. Austin [Rubric]

Wm. H. Wharton